A Practical Guide to SysML, Second Edition: The Systems Modeling Language (The MK/OMG Press) (9780123852069): Sanford Friedenthal, Alan Moore, Rick Steiner

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Publication Date: October 31 ISBN-10: 0,123,852,064 ISBN-13 :978-0123852069 Edition: 2
The book is a best-selling book, The Definitive Guide of SysML systems and software engineers, to provide a comprehensive and practical the SysML modeling system resources. Fully updated to the newly released version 1.3, it includes a complete modeling language to describe a quick reference guide, and show how an organization or project transition to model-based systems engineering, consider the process with SysML tools and training . Numerous examples help readers understand how, in practice, you can use the system modeling conducive to learning OMG SysML reference material experts (OCSMP) certification program, designed to test candidates’ knowledge of SysML and their ability to use the model to represent the real world systems.
Authoritative and comprehensive understanding and implementation of SysML
Quick reference guide, including language descriptions and practical examples
Model-based approach to solve complex system problems
Guiding the transition to model-based systems engineering using SysML
Preparation Guide OMG Certified Systems Modeling Expert (OCSMP)

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