Wiley GAAP 2013: Interpretation and Application of Generally Accepted Accounting Principles: Joanne Flood

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Publication Date: October 23, 2012 ISBN-10: 1118277252 ISBN-13 :978-1118277256 Edition: 11
The most practical, the most authoritative guide to GAAP
ASC the Wiley GAAP GAAP at all levels, the index in 2013 contains complete coverage. Willie accepted accounting principles GAAP easier to understand and access, and has been designed to reduce the time and effort needed to solve accounting research issues. Provide interpretive guidance and a wealth of real-world, content-rich examples and illustrations, this invaluable guide provides a clear, user-friendly guidance every Declaration, including FASB Technical Bulletins, the Practice Bulletin AcSEC, the U.S. Financial Accounting Standards Board implementation Guide, AICPA statements of position, and AICPA accounting interpretation.

Provide insight into the application of complex financial reporting rules
Contains a detailed index for reference use
FASB codification system of cross-references include a comprehensive accounting topics
The easy-to-access information, this reliable resource provides complete coverage of the entire GAAP hierarchy.
