The Continuum of Literacy Learning, Grades PreK-8, Second Edition: A Guide to Teaching: Irene Fountas, Gay Su Pinnell

Publication Date: June 7, 2010 | ISBN-10: 032502880X ISBN-13 :978-0,325,028,804 Edition: 2
Other valuation system, you want to know “how to do it?” Assessment Fountas and Pinnell provide instruction link, through effective classroom practices such as guided reading and reading aloud.

This book contains seven consecutive. Each successive concentrated in an area of ​​the language arts curriculum. Six consecutive provide the expected level of achievement is designed for planning group instruction. Guidance for the seventh consecutive, from A to Z by Fountas and Pinnell and Fountas and Pinnell benchmark assessment system level is directly related.

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us text, students read, listen, write, and execution of specific instructions. In addition, each successive lists each level, students demonstrate thinking within, beyond the text-specific behavior and understanding. These behaviors and what the students are asked to do, in order to effectively read and understand the text to understand description.

As literacy changing world, we also see some important changes in the cross-grade literacy acquisition. The literacy learning continuous second edition has been adjusted to reflect these changes.

First, from five years ago today, the nursery is different, so a preschool continuously added to Pre-K -8-K-2 version of this book. Preschool continuous, does not represent “moving” the first grade curriculum down. Instead, it provides a rich array relative to the understanding of oral language, story-telling, and playful print awareness, providing a solid foundation for kindergarten learning.

Notes, teach behavior and understand the basic detailed descriptions, and support remain unchanged from kindergarten to 8th grade, but in this new version of seven consecutive, we have added a new challenge, such as the effective processing graphics text and fiction . We also carefully study the framework of the 2009-2010 change behavior and understanding expressed by the National Assessment of Educational Progress (NAEP). In addition, we have also strengthened the expectation to recognize and effectively embedded in other types (mixed text – such as letters, diaries, fiction, narrative, or newspaper article) style.

Continuous also been adjusted in the current study, as well as the implementation of a lot of information on the school’s assessment. Finally, a new design that makes it easier to read and understand continuous.
