Customer Service Skills for Success (Connect, Learn, Succeed): Robert W Lucas

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Publication Date: January 20,2011 | ISBN-10: 0,073,397,113 ISBN-13 :978-0,073,397,115 | Version: 5
Not the same as the old customer service textbook
Customer Service: Skills for Success using a variety of activities and examples, to get and keep the reader’s interest, while providing additional insight into the concepts and techniques for customer service.

The beginning of the text from a macro point of customer service today to provide a forecast for the future to focus on specific skills and related topics.

Customer Service: Skills for Success fifth edition contains 10 chapters divided into three sections, plus appendices, glossary and references. These components focus on different aspects of customer service: (1) industry, (2) Skills for Success, and (3) to establish and maintain relationships. Along with valuable advice, guidance, and perspectives, the reader will encounter, the programs and activities of the interview with the real world of service providers and case studies to help you apply the concepts learned to real-world case to challenge you thinking. For users of the previous version, you’ll notice that a simplified approach, we combine material from more of the preceding chapters. If you need time and stress management section, they can be found on our website, customers, along with many new activities, case studies and other supporting mat